Keep your shades safe in STYLE

We have developed a travelers case for you to keep your shades in style. It makes no sence to have your collection spread around in drawers, cabinets, and all sort of strange places… you will eventually damage them or even worse, you can loose them. So go for our advice and take a good look at this beauty – Black briefcase from FAMILY AFFAIR featuring a double safety lock with three digit code and thirty compartments where you can storage your sunglasses.

Click here to buy yours in the confort of your home. We also have diferent sizes, colours and materials to combine. Check it out, and if by any means you dont find what you are looking for, ask us, we can make one just for you, in that colour combo that will match your home or your office.

1 Comentários

  1. André Opticas 2 anos ago Author

    Bom dia,
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    Se necessitar de algo mais estamos ao dispor.
    Melhores cumprimentos
    André Opticas

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