Handmade with LOVE for Pinela Bang Bang Tattoo

Handmade to an amazing artist, the one and only Eduardo Pinela from Bang Bang Tattoo Sintra. Made out of Eco friendly and responsable sourced Buffalo Horn, a 0 carbon footprint material that allow us to make eternal eyewear. A slab of 10mm in Ebene colour, a solid black with white deep stripes, typical of Asian Water Buffalo. Crafted in our Atelier, the only one in Portugal that performs this magic.
André Opticas I Craftsman Winter Tale – Part II – Merry Christmas
Santa lost his favourite glasses while working with them. An awfull situation specially in the mos busy time of the year. Fortunatelly he has a place to go where magic is made and the gift of sight is a passion. Merry Christmas from all André Opticas family.
For Your Visual Health

*Take a break from the screen.
Every 20 minutes, take your eyes off the screen and focus on something 20 meters away for 20 seconds. We call it the 20/20/see rule.
Tips for healthy eyes.
Shops with History – Doc#1 Trades
One of the priorities of the city of Lisbon is to work with the city’s traditional and historical commerce in order, on the one hand, to preserve and safeguard the establishments and their material, historical and cultural heritage, and on the other hand, to dynamise and reactivate commercial activity, essential for its existence. It was with this objective in mind that the Lisbon City Council initiated a pioneering program in the country. After an intense work of documentary research and fieldwork in February 2016, CML approved the criteria for attributing the “Lojas com História” distinction. It is with great pride that André Opticas Chiado is part of this restricted lot of stores that represent the historical and cultural heritage of the city of Lisbon. The Documentary above is the first in a fantastic series of pieces that intend to show why these stores are so special. If you can’t see it in its entirety, which is very worthwhile, the chapter dedicated to our store and our art begins at 15:00 (mais…)
André Opticas I Craftsman Winter Tale – Part I – Merry Christmas
In a time of LOVE and SHARE, when all the world is sending Santa Claus a list of gifts, André Opticas decided to do the opposite. Considering Santa is getting old and probably tired, we wanted to offer him a valued gift. The gift of sight. This way we handmade at our atelier a one of a kind frame made to his measures. A bespoke pair of eyeglasses to allow him to endure the long hour of reaing an endless list of presents. Merry Christmas.
Take care of your treasures
Keep your shades safe in STYLE
We have developed a travelers case for you to keep your shades in style. It makes no sence to have your collection spread around in drawers, cabinets, and all sort of strange places… you will eventually damage them or even worse, you can loose them. So go for our advice and take a good look at this beauty – Black briefcase from FAMILY AFFAIR featuring a double safety lock with three digit code and thirty compartments where you can storage your sunglasses.
Click here to buy yours in the confort of your home. We also have diferent sizes, colours and materials to combine. Check it out, and if by any means you dont find what you are looking for, ask us, we can make one just for you, in that colour combo that will match your home or your office.
Nuno Gama at ModaLisboa Awake SS20
It was with great pleasure and honour that we HANDMADE every single frame that our good friend Nuno Gama designed for his new SS20 collection. Again, he made his “thing” and it was a blast! In the end of the video, Virgul, the amazing singer was wearing one of our bespoke frames and it fitted like a glove!! Enjoy!!
A Craftsman´s Tale
A Craftsman Tale – This Christmas, May no one be forgotten – If you believe Christmas is about giving more than receiving, about remembering those who are so often forgotten, and about making dreams come true with your bare hands, this movie is for you.
André Opticas apresenta – A Craftsman Tale – Que este Natal, ninguém seja esquecido. Se acredita que o Natal é sobre dar mais do que receber, sobre lembrar os que são tantas vezes esquecidos e sobre tornar os sonhos realidade com as próprias mãos, este filme é para si.
Because We Are Focused on You…
*Tips for Healthy Eyes
Quit smoking.
Smoking increases the likelihood of developing cataracts, damages the optic nerve, and leads to macular degeneration. We know it’s difficult, but you’ll see it’s worth it.