DITA Flight 006 for André Opticas

We celebrate our 40th anniversary this year and among the many ways we have chosen to celebrate this moment was the production of a new limited series, with one of the most important brands of eyewear in the world, DITA, a brand that is a reference and needs no introduction.

With high-end glasses made in Japan, using only the finest and noblest materials, and which has millions of followers, DITA is the choice of countless personalities from the world music, cinema and arts.
Together with DITA, we re-edited FLIGHT 006, which became one of the biggest bestsellers ever when they were used by Tom Holland in the film Spider Man, Far From Home and Robert Downey Jr in the role of Iron Man in the avengers infiniy war, the famous Edith.



Founded in 2020 by Artistic Director Salma Rachid and CEO Rosario Toscano and based in Switzerland, Akoni Eyewear is the
eponymous sunglass and optical brand from The Akoni Group. Utilizing only the highest-quality materials and partnering with master
artisans, Akoni aims to please the world’s finest opticians and most demanding consumers by continually surpassing the highest
standards. Akoni collection is proudly curated at André Opticas Boutiques in Lisboa, Portugal.

Akoni Eyewear aims to seamlessly blend the best of artistic heritage and technical breakthroughs, while always seeking inspiration
from visionaries who forever changed the way Akoni sees and experience the universe.

Kuboraum A3 BM

Kuboraum are masks that are designed on the face of its wearers to highlight their personality and character. Mask is synonymous with mockery and game. Kuboraum masks are synonymous with protection and shelter; they are cubical rooms where we shelter ourselves, free to live our intimacy and look at the world through two lenses. All masks are entirely dreamed in Berlin, handmade in Italy – available at our boutiques.

Handmade with LOVE for Pinela Bang Bang Tattoo

Handmade to an amazing artist, the one and only Eduardo Pinela from Bang Bang Tattoo Sintra. Made out of Eco friendly and responsable sourced Buffalo Horn, a 0 carbon footprint material that allow us to make eternal eyewear. A slab of 10mm in Ebene colour, a solid black with white deep stripes, typical of Asian Water Buffalo. Crafted in our Atelier, the only one in Portugal that performs this magic.

Shops with History – Doc#1 Trades

One of the priorities of the city of Lisbon is to work with the city’s traditional and historical commerce in order, on the one hand, to preserve and safeguard the establishments and their material, historical and cultural heritage, and on the other hand, to dynamise and reactivate commercial activity, essential for its existence. It was with this objective in mind that the Lisbon City Council initiated a pioneering program in the country. After an intense work of documentary research and fieldwork in February 2016, CML approved the criteria for attributing the “Lojas com História” distinction. It is with great pride that André Opticas Chiado is part of this restricted lot of stores that represent the historical and cultural heritage of the city of Lisbon. The Documentary above is the first in a fantastic series of pieces that intend to show why these stores are so special. If you can’t see it in its entirety, which is very worthwhile, the chapter dedicated to our store and our art begins at 15:00 (mais…)

André Opticas I Craftsman Winter Tale – Part I – Merry Christmas

In a time of LOVE and SHARE, when all the world is sending Santa Claus a list of gifts, André Opticas decided to do the opposite. Considering Santa is getting old and probably tired, we wanted to offer him a valued gift. The gift of sight. This way we handmade at our atelier a one of a kind frame made to his measures. A bespoke pair of eyeglasses to allow him to endure the long hour of reaing an endless list of presents. Merry Christmas.